Do you have special tools?
Another frequently asked question is: Do you have special tools? The short answer is yes but that was not always the case. Well, as far as the questioner’s definition of “special” is concerned. You see they usually mean physical tools inferring that they (the tools) do the work.
This post is the first in a series about tools and techniques.
Tool Categories
Forms: Buckets, Wraps & Hands
Cutters: Shovels, Trowels, Knives, Hydraulics & Custom Carvers
Shapers: Spheres, Ogees, Rakes & Platonic
Stampers: Trowels, Scrapers & Customs
Elemental: Rain, Tide, Wind & Gravity
Mental: Imagination, Patience & Perseverance
Experience: Design, Travel, Architecture History
Documentation: Cameras, Gimbals, 3D scanning & Photo/Video Editing•
3D Printing: Tools & Output
Application Concepts:
Organic & Geometric Forms
Wet Carving
History is a child building a sand-castle by the sea,
and that child is the whole majesty of man's power in the world.
~ Heraclitus
• The sandcastles, themselves, have not been edited. They're exactly as the existed in the wild.